About Us
Hedge Lane Labradors

My name is Sue Hey, owner of Hedge Lane Labradors. I chose the name "Hedge Lane Labradors" in honor of my father who passed away in January 2020. My Dad was the best man I ever knew and loved his family more than anything! I am so proud of the man my father was and want his legacy to live on through my work here at Hedge Lane Labradors. He knew my passion for dogs and always wanted me to fulfill my dreams of owning my own kennel. I thought, what better name than to use the street name he lived on for most of his life and all of mine. If I do only half the job, he did there on Hedge Lane Rd., here at Hedge Lane Labrador’s, I think I’ll have made him proud!

I fell in love with Labradors at an early age. My first job was at a Dog Boarding Kennel in Spring Hill, KS called Big Foot Kennels. It was owned by Tina Murphy, one of the greatest breeders I’ve ever known. I was only 12 years old when I started working at Big Foot Kennels so my Dad would have to drive me there and pick me up, which he never complained about. I would let dogs out to potty, feed them, clean kennels, and of course, scoop lots and lots of poop! I bought my first car with poop scooping money at 14 years old! I remember how proud my Dad was that I was able to save that much money at such an early age. I worked at that kennel off and on for 15 years. Over the years I learned how to clip nails, give shots, and even some obedience training. The most important thing I learned there is that Labs really are a man’s (woman’s) best friend. I wanted Tina’s job! What better business partner to have than one that will always be loyal??
I married my wonderful husband Bryan in 2008, and we had our son Brodee in July of 2010. It took my son and I 10 VERY LONG years to talk him into letting us have a lab! Finally, in December 2017, we got Hedge Lane’s Royal Blue Big Sexy Nash.